About us

Picture of Koichi Ishii, CEO

CEO’s Message

Meaning behind our company name

To begin our introduction, I would like to talk about our company name.
The word “GREZZO” was taken from the Italian phrase “DIAMANTE GREZZO”, which means “a diamond in the rough”.
Just as a jeweler would polish the rough diamond into a beautiful jewelry, we hope to take great ideas and turn them into jewel-like contents to share with the rest of the world. It is from this notion that I chose the name “GREZZO”.

To make our dream into a reality

To achieve this goal, an individual needs the “determination” to entrust one’s passion into ideas, a strong sense of “responsibility” to polish them into finished contents, and the “resolve” to continue this on a daily basis with sincerity.
We have gathered staffs who share these values, so that we can create a working environment that aspires us even further. This has become our ideal for the entire company, and serves as our driving force to grow larger. I firmly believe that the synergy under these conditions is what makes our contents shine like jewels, which in turn will establish our brand.

Scenery of the conference room
Photo of GREZZO logo

Staying humble

On the other hand, “GREZZO” could also mean “crude”. I like to embrace this idea of ourselves as “work in progress”, and wish for us to keep growing. “GREZZO” will remain humble, and always remember to be thankful and to be respectful.

Spaces for the exchanging of the hearts

I have been in this industry for 30 years now, and one realization strikes me the most as a game developer.
It is the fact that “the games provide not only personal entertainment and satisfaction, but also spaces in which the minds and values of many people can resonate together”.
At GREZZO, we provide spaces for the exchanging of the hearts, where players from all around the world could have fun with mutual respect, regardless of nationality, race, gender or age differences. I wish for all our staffs to keep growing with this goal in mind.

Signature of Koichi Ishii, CEO

CEO Profile

Picture of Koichi Ishii, CEO

Koichi Ishii

1964 Born July 9
1989 joins Square Co. Ltd. and develops various games.
2007 becomes CEO of Grezzo Co. Ltd.
Currently serves as a producer for game development
  • Final Fantasy Series
  • Mana Series
  • SaGa Frontier
  • Chocobo Stallion
  • Mario Hoops 3-on-3
  • Line Attack Heroes
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
  • The Legend of Zelda:
    Four Swords Anniversary Edition
  • StreetPass Garden
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D
  • Ever Oasis
  • Luigi’s Mansion
  • The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening


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